Passing Notes

Passing Notes is a collaborative zine produced by the artist Hannah Rollason, as part of her research ‘The Pepper Project’; a series of texts, artworks and workshops exploring the links between art and learning. Hannah developed the zine during her BCN residency at The Wolverhampton School of Art, calling on students to submit work that reflects on their early experiences of creativity.

The Pepper Project de-constructs, re-imagines and abstracts the pepper both physically and conceptually, exploring the open-ended process of learning and creativity. The pieces included in this zine were created as a result of conversations and workshops with the students, who shared their experiences with Hannah. During her residency, Hannah also experimented with creating moulds and sculptures of a pepper; while the pepper itself is important the mould holds symbolic weight; it forms and shapes material much like the process of learning to be creative at school shapes our understanding of art and the world we live in.

This zine can still be submitted to by emailing: [email protected]

Read the submissions guidelines here.

Download the Zine

About Hannah
Embracing form, aesthetics, and the manipulation of media to draw out symbolism, Hannah Rollason employs metaphor and myth within the context of the work. With initial inspiration being personal exchanges and everyday visual influences while often drawing in subjects such as history, ecology, and social politics to create an interdisciplinary practice. Exploring the relationship between human and nature, specifically the interactions, connections and disconnections of urbanisation, agriculture and nature. Currently this has evolved to research how objectified nature is an integral part of understanding historical and contemporary society and the impacts this can have on issues such as climate change.

Pepper moulds for casts, WSOA BCN residency, 2022 © Hannah Rollason