
Show & Tell: Artist Group Crit

Tuesday 19 March 18:00 — 19:30

Show + Tell is an informal group crit for Black Country artists hosted as part of our artist development programme Blast Creative Network, where you can share work in progress and get feedback and tips from other artists. This supportive peer review is an opportunity to share your practice through a short presentation, and meet other artists in the local community. Bring along your portfolio, a new body of work or a project you are currently working on and gain advice and constructive feedback from the group!

Multistory is excited to partner with Birmingham Opera Company on this event, who are currently producing a community engaged opera in Sandwell. Guests Chloë Lund and Diandra McCalla will lead the crit, and provide critical feedback on your work and suggestions for how to develop it further.

Free, booking essential. We will have a projector and speaker available, feel free to bring along a laptop or send your presentation to us as a PDF or Powerpoint (Max 5 MB) by emailing Rene at: [email protected].

Access: The event will take place at St Michael’s Community Centre on West Bromwich High Street. The space is on the ground floor and wheelchair accessible, with a wheelchair accessible toilet.

If you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of, please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] or by calling / texting +44 7922 571832.

Book here

Chloë Lund is a freelance artist, curator and creative facilitator. Past projects have explored the Right to Roam (Land In Curiosity), abattoir ethics (Digbeth Lambs), and material youth culture (Portable Studio). She curated Multistory’s pop-up We Are Family exhibition in 2018. They currently work for Birmingham Opera Company as Artist Researcher.

Diandra McCalla is an Arts Producer from Birmingham passionate about creating provocative and engaging participatory arts experiences, especially for young people along with underrepresented and socially disadvantaged communities. A musician and former Music Teacher, Diandra recently was Lead Producer of the Birmingham 2022 Neighbourhood Festival Sites, part of the Commonwealth Games cultural programme. She currently works for Birmingham Opera Company as Creative Producer.

Birmingham Opera Company makes some of the best opera in the world. They reflect the city that they work in, with their audiences, artists and the stories that they tell. Working at multiple scales, they deliver events all over the city with diverse participants, artists and audiences. With no fixed venue, they perform in aircraft hangars, power stations, nightclubs, shopping centres, hospitals. Each year, hundreds of Brummies volunteer to sing, act or dance alongside some of the most exciting established and emerging artists in the world.

Blast Creative Network

Multistory’s BCN artist development programme offers artists in Sandwell and the wider Black Country a free annual programme of talks, workshops and social events and is a space for mutual support and knowledge sharing. It was set up to provide artists in the local area opportunities for critical engagement and collaboration outside of formal arts education.


St Michael’s Community Hall
260 High Street
West Bromwich
B70 8AQ