
Artist Talk: Hannah Fletcher

Wednesday 10 February 2021 18:00 — 19:30

Hannah Fletcher will introduce her background in photography, including how her personal ideologies and principles around ecology and environmentalism evolved to become an integral part of her artistic practice. She will talk about The London Alternative Photography Collective; which she co-directs and The Sustainable Darkroom; an initiative that she founded in 2019, to equip cultural practitioners with new skills and knowledge to develop an environmentally friendly photographic darkroom practice.

About Hannah

Hannah Fletcher is a London based artist, working with camera-less photographic processes and Co-Director of London Alternative Photography Collective. Hannah Fletcher’s work intertwines organic matter such as soils, algae, mushrooms and roots into analogue photographic mediums and surfaces. Simultaneously, exploring environmentally and ecologically-focused issues. Working in an investigative, pseudo scientific and environmentally conscious manner, Hannah combines scientific techniques with photographic processes, creating a dialogue between the poetic and political.

Recently, she has initiated and is running The Sustainable Darkroom Project; an artist run research, training and mutual learning programme to equip cultural practitioners with new skills and knowledge to develop a more environmentally friendly analogue photographic practice.

Hannah has exhibited in group shows and festivals across the UK and Europe, including Belfast Photo Festival, Art Rotterdam, Unseen Amsterdam, Art The Hague, Tate Exchange, The Photographers Gallery, Sluice HQ, Gerald Moore Gallery, RAW Labs – Bow Arts, The Garden Room Gallery, Revela.T Festival. Hannah teaches workshops and gives public talks in alternative photographic processes and sustainability within the arts at venues including The Royal Academy,  The Science Gallery, Photoworks, The Royal College of Art, London College of Communication, Chelsea College of Art, University of East London, Seen-Fifteen Gallery, Photofusion, The Lightbox Gallery and Museum.

Spaces on sessions are limited, in order to maintain an informal atmosphere and allow for discussion. 

This talk is hosted as part of our Blast! Creative Network programme. Taking place online once a month the BCN programme offers talks, workshops, opportunities and social events to bring emergent artists based in Sandwell or the Black Country a yearlong events programme that provides a space for knowledge sharing and support.